Om människans förhållande till naturen och möten med den.

Project Skog presents the forest and the inhabitants who constitutes it, for example the spruce and pine, and how it is being a place for interaction between itself and the human being, both used and abused.

Images telling us how we do, or do not, relate to the forest and the nature. The works consists of pencil drawings, 3dimensional drawings and drawings as video, showing different ways of human beings, meeting and embracing the

forest and nature, but also about her fear and disapproval of it. About our symbiosis with nature, but also about our non-sustainable usage of it.

Näsa, blyerts, 70X50 cm.

Vid björken, blyerts, 40X30 cm.

Pojken och skogen, blyerts, 90X65 cm.

Sova med gran, blyerts, 90X65 cm.

En fågel i handen, blyerts, 90X65 cm.

Fågelholk, blyerts, 25X15X15 cm.

Brikens år, video still, 1 min.