Om populärkulturella fenomen

i vardagens miljöer.

A work about the effect media has on children and society. For instance, in every small town kids know who Tinky-Winky is, and develop a new vocabulary around this using gestures and games, alongside other children in other small towns around the world. (Tinky-Winky is a character in Teletubbies, a children's program from the UK.) In this project I investigated the phenomenon of universal symbols in different countries from the perspective of Pokémon.

Lekplatsen, blyerts/lead, 70x50 cm.

Affären, blyerts/lead, 70x50 cm.

Tubbies, akvarell/watercolour, 70x50 cm.

Kermit, akvarell/watercolour, 70x50 cm.

Barba Zoo & barba Fin, akvarell/watercolour, 70x50 cm.

Leia på Bräckan, akvarell/watercolour, 70x50 cm.

Zidane, akvarell/watercolour, 70x50 cm.

Pikachu, akvarell/watercolour, 70X50 cm.

Pokémon, video still, 15 min.